Vitamin Supplements That Can Promote Weight Loss

If shedding some weight is your goal this year, then you must know that there are various supplements in the market that can help you achieve this. Some of the best vitamin supplements available in the market are packed with proven ingredients that help in boosting your metabolism, reducing hunger and burning fat. They even help in increasing energy levels.
Even though supplements have so many benefits, choosing the right one is the key to reap all the advantages, otherwise there is no point. As there are a myriad of supplements in the market, it's difficult to choose one out of them all. But worry no more, we have some of the best vitamin supplements for you that will help you on your weight loss journey.

Vitamin Supplements That Can Promote Weight Loss

1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that regulates the right amount of calcium and phosphate in our body. It helps in keeping bones strong, decreasing bone loss. Some studies have suggested that with the right amount of vitamin D in our body helps the hormone levels to be in check that will help in promoting weight loss and reduce body fat. It has been found that people getting the right amount of vitamin D lose weight faster than people deficient in it. Sun is the best source of vitamin D for the body. Unfortunately more than 50% of the population worldwide is deficient in vitamin D, as they either spend too much time indoors or live in a place where the sun doesn’t shine much. Since only food cannot provide the required amount of vitamin D daily, supplements are necessary.

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2. Vitamin B

Since vitamin B is crucial for a healthy metabolism, it is one of the most popular vitamins for weight loss. It majorly helps the body to metabolise nutrients like proteins, fats and carbohydrates to convert it into energy. Deficiency of these essential nutrients can lead to a low functioning metabolism that can make losing weight even more difficult. You can get vitamin B from various food items such as eggs, potatoes, beans, lentils, milk etc. but since we don’t get organic vegetables the quantity required for the body is not achieved by only eating these vegetables. Therefore taking a vitamin B-complex tablet is an easier option to make sure your metabolism is on track.

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3. Omega Fatty Acids

Fish oil supplements are a great way to get that body you want so much. It’s not gonna change miraculously, but studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids are very effective in making weight loss programs successful. Fish oil has omega fatty acids that help your body to lose fat and develop muscles. They make you feel fuller and reduce your appetite that will help you if you are on a diet. The release of a chemical called Serotonin is regulated by omega fatty acids that regulates the mood and appetite. Apart from that, they help in avoiding various health ailments such as age related macular degeneration.

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4. Iron

Iron is another one of the nutrients that helps in losing weight. It  assists your body with making energy from supplements, it aids in conveying oxygen to the entirety of the cells in your body, including your muscles. This, in turn assists them with consuming fat. Iron plays a crucial role in the production of RBC (Red blood cells). It is best suitable for people looking to lose some weight as it supports a healthy metabolism.

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5. Magnesium

Magnesium is essential for the body to produce energy for activities. A study has shown that it helps in regulating blood sugar level and insulin level which helps people with overweight. Not only that, it helps in keeping your bones strong and smooth functioning of your nervous system as well. Since surveys have shown that magnesium is deficient in many people, a supplement is a good way to keep your body healthy and give you a sudden boost of energy. But too much magnesium may result in diarrhea. So make sure you consult your doctor before having that.

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6. Vitamin C

Studies have shown that people with adequate vitamin C can oxidise 30% more fat during a fairly moderate exercise than the individuals who have low levels of vitamin C. It can help you get the best out of your work-out sessions. Apart from that, it also enhances your ability to heal injuries and decrease inflammation both inside and outside. Some studies have shown that vitamin C also helps in building more energy and maintaining a healthy mental state. People with adequate vitamin C are likely to suffer less from depression and fatigue and vice versa.

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7. Green Tea

Green tea is well known for helping with weight loss. The caffeine present in green tea goes about as an energizer that has been shown to help fat consumption and improve performance in different studies. The enormous range of antioxidants known as catechins assists in cutting fat and boosting digestion that is vital to get more fit. Green tea also helps in curbing appetite and boosts metabolism. Many studies have shown that people having this beverage lose fat faster when doing regular exercise than people only working out. Even though it’s technically a vitamin, it is worth a try.

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8. Calcium

Calcium might be indispensable to a sound digestion and sugar control, just as solid bones. According to a research done in 2010 higher calcium admission joined with nutrient D can help diet-related weight reduction. Maintaining a normal heart rate, helping our blood with coagulation, aiding our muscles to unwind and flex, assisting in right nerve signaling, etc are some of its other benefits. Even though calcium can be easily gained from various food products such as yogurt, milk, leafy vegetables etc, women may have problems at an intermediate age, therefore calcium supplements are an easy way to maintain a proper level.

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9. Green Coffee

Green coffee is one of the most popular supplements for weight loss. Green coffee is the coffee beans before it is roasted. Studies have found that coffee beans have a compound known as chlorogenic acids and also have antioxidant properties that not only help in lowering blood pressure levels but also helps in losing weight as well. As roasting coffee beans decreases the chlorogenic acid content in them, they do not have the same effects as green coffee extracts. Even though this supplement became quite popular after being featured on a show, researchers still debate about it. Therefore it’s best to check with your doctor before taking it.

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10. Protein

I know it’s quite a peculiar one to digest, but protein helps us to lose weight. Many studies have shown that since meals high in protein are more filling and satisfying than regular meals with fats and carbs, your body doesn’t feel the need to eat for a long time. To be more technical, protein decreases the level of a hunger hormone called ghrelin and increases the appetite decreasing hormones known as GLP-1, cholecystokinin, peptide YY which automatically results in reduction of calorie intake.

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What are Vitamin Supplements?

Healthy foods, proper diet and regular exercise is the proven road to a physically healthy body. Vitamin supplements act as accelerators in the process. Supplements are not medicines nor are they substitutes for food. They fill the gaps in your diet if there is any so that your body gets the right amount of vitamin needed on a daily basis. Like the word says, they are there to supplement your food. Supplements should be taken along with proper diet and exercise. Although some of the brands claim that their product can help lose weight on their own, there is no scientific evidence to prove their claim, so it’s best to check with your doctor before consumption.

Are Vitamin Supplements safe?

Vitamin supplements are usually safe but it’s best to consult a doctor before taking anything. As vitamin supplements are not regulated as strictly as drugs and medicines, sometimes they can be harmful if not consumed under the guidance of a professional. Especially if you are taking medications for any disease or serious ailment such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure etc, make sure to consult your doctor before consuming any supplement as it might interfere with that. Vitamin supplements help your body fulfill it’s daily nutrient requirements and give a push for helping your weight loss process. Even though some brands claim that their products help in weight loss, there is no scientific proof for that, therefore make sure to ask your doctor before making any decision.

Where to find Vitamin Supplements?

Vitamin supplements can be easily available in any of your local drug stores. They are widely available across the country in grocery stores, health stores and fitness centers as well. You can easily order them online also from various sites, but make sure you order only from a trusted site that provides original or certified products only. They come in many forms, such as soft gel capsules, powders etc, so check before you buy. Read information there on the product and make sure the manufacturing date and expiry date is correct.

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