Best ingredients you can find at home to get a glowing skin

Best ingredients you can find at home to get a glowing skin

After the pandemic, some of us are a bit hesitant going to the salons. If you are one of those people, keep reading this article till the end, you will understand how to get beautiful glowing skin at the comfort of your home. There are a lot of ingredients in your kitchen itself that can give a naturally glowing skin without burning a hole in your pocket. So, here is the list of the best ingredients you can find at home to get glowing skin.

  1. Lemon
  2. Potatoes
  3. Green tea
  4. Cucumbers
  5. Coconut Oil

Top 5 ingredients you can find at home to get a glowing skin.

  • Lemon: You must have seen lemon as a key ingredient in a number of beauty products like face wash, face packs and many more. But did you know that simply adding lemon to some sugar and making a paste out of it can be a great exfoliating agent. It makes you look fairer and removes sun tan really quick.

How to use?

Take a lemon and squeeze it on some sugar. Mix it adequately and not too much as the sugar pieces will work like a scrub. Apply the paste 2-3 times a week for a softer and healthier skin. 

P.s- Don’t forget to use a moisturiser afterwards! 

  • Potatoes: Potatoes on one hand when eaten in access leads to weight gain but on the other hand they can be a great whitening ingredient as they are rich in antioxidants. They even aid anti-ageing and are anti-inflammatory. They work like a bleach to your skin, that instantly whitens your skin colour naturally.

How to use?

Simply cut a potato in two pieces and rub it on your face for some time and leave it for 2-3 hours. Then wash it off.

  • Green tea: Green tea can be applied on your face like a face mask for just an hour and you will see a glow like never before. Green tea prevents premature ageing and protects against skin cancer. It can even treat itchiness and works as a skin cleanser. You simply have to mix green tea with some water with a paste like consistency and there you go glowing.

How to use?

Mix green tea with some water to make it into a thick paste. Apply and leave it for 15-30 minutes and then wash it properly. Voila! You will see a refreshed skin.

  • Cucumbers: Cucumbers are great for your eyes so as they are for your skin. They are a must, especially in summers if you want a naturally glowing skin at home. They are the easiest to use as well. It is very helpful in tackling the oily skin and reduces the occurrence of acne. It hydrates the dry skin as well.

How to use?

Get a cucumber and wash it properly to get rid of any fertilizers. Cut it into circular pieces. Rub it on the face for some time and let the cucumber stay on the eyes and the face. Then wash it off after an hour.


  • Coconut Oil: Massaging your skin is something that everybody suggests but doing it with coconut oil is like a cherry on the cake. Do it at least once a week and you are done. Coconut helps in reducing the signs of ageing, providing required nourishment to the skin. With regular use it provides a natural radiance to the skin.

How to use?

Simply get coconut oil and massage it for 5-10  minutes on your properly washed face and there you go!

Hope this was helpful, try and let us know how that worked out for you in the comment section!

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