DIY Hair Oil To Treat Hair Fall Issues At Home

Hair thinning and hair fall are some of the major problems faced by both men and women today. 25% of men below the age of 21 years suffer hair loss and 45% of the women suffer from hair thinning and hair fall at some point in their life. So, let us look at some of the hair oils that you can DIY at your home that helps with this. 

But, before we go on to that, let’s talk about some of the most common reasons for hair fall and hair thinning and the do’s and don’ts to fix it. The 6 Common mistakes we do daily that makes our hair unhealthy and result in hair loss are:

  • Heat in any form is bad for your hair, so taking a hot water bath, excessive use of hair dryer, or hair straightening tools should be avoided.
  • Avoid using shampoos that contain Sodium sulfate that strips away too much moisture leaving the hair dry and unhealthy.
  • Try to avoid using too many hair products. If you use them make sure you wash them before going to bed at night.
  • Don’t rub your hair vigorously and avoid combing wet hair as rubbing wet hair vigorously leads to hair breakage. Also, wet hair is fragile and when we comb through it, it breaks easily.
  • Do not tie hair very tight all the time as it puts a lot of pressure on the roots and causes hair to fall.
  • Try to take less stress. Stress can push hair follicles and stop producing new hair strands.

There are various home remedies that you might have heard from your elders. If not, don’t worry, we have got your back! Here is a DIY that will help you to get rid of hair fall problems.

Take 1 litre of coconut oil in a pan and place it on a gas stove. Heat it on a medium flame.

Now, take around 1 tablespoon of mustard seed, 3 tablespoons of fenugreek (methi) seeds, 7-8 Cloves, 7 teaspoons of grated Indian gooseberry (amla), and 1 Grated onion put all these into the heated coconut oil and stir the mixture for 5 minutes. Then, put a handful of henna leaves along with some Hibiscus flowers, a handful of basil (tulsi) leaves, curry leaves and Durva grass (Dhoob). Again, stir it and boil it for 15 minutes and until it becomes dark in colour. Now, put the flame off and filter the oil immediately in a bowl, allow it to cool down and pour it in a jar. Make sure to store it in an airtight container.

And voila! Your homemade herbal hair oil is ready. 

This hair oil has various benefits-

  • Curry leaves present in the oil provide vitamin C, phosphorus, iron, calcium, and nicotinic acid to the hair that helps hair to fight germs and make your hair healthy.
  • Onion when gently massaged to hair and scalp provides extra sulfur to support thick and strong hair, which helps in promoting hair growth and preventing hair loss. 
  • Hibiscus helps in stopping hair loss, makes hair look healthy and lustrous, it also prevents premature greying of hair, thickens and adds volume to hair, helps in treating dandruff, and also prevents split ends.
  • Fenugreek seeds and mustard seeds are rich in iron and protein, it nourishes hair and helps in controlling hair fall.

Happy hair, happy you!!

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