Some Of The Things That One Should Never Do To Their Wet Hair

As soon as you wash your hair, the very first thing that you need to do is let it dry completely. Either with the help of a hair dryer or let it take some time to dry naturally if you are not in a hurry. Hair is quite delicate when it is wet, therefore doing the following things can damage your hair from the roots or make them frizzy, unmanageable and dry. 

Combing your wet hair

It is the worst thing you can do to your wet hair. Whether it is long hair or short, you should never comb your hair while it is still wet. As when you wash your hair the scalp becomes soft and the pores get open which increases the chances of hair fall and if you comb your hair it will lead to some more hairs to come out leading to extreme loss of hair as the roots are not having a firm hold on the hairs.

However, if you have curly hair, then using products and combing is the right time for you. Since many curly hair experts have said that curly hair should not be combed when completely dry, it is an exception to this rule.

Tying your wet hair

Another cruel thing that women do to their hair is tying them with a rubber band like a pony tail or making a bun out of it with or without a clutch. Again, the scalp is softer and delicate when wet, tying your hair may lead to extreme hair fall. Hence avoid tying your hair while they are wet, instead, you can use a hair dryer to dry out your hair and then go for any kind of hair styling. Not only using rubber bands but also using hair curlers or hair straighteners on wet hair can damage your scalp and follicles of your hair, making your hair dry. It may increase hair fall particularly in the rainy season.

Applying hair conditioners to the scalp 

Another mistake that one needs to avoid is application of hair conditioner from the roots. As it has always been said in advertisements and social media that apply conditioners to the lower portion of the hair only. There is a reason for it. We usually use conditioner after a shampoo session, that is when the scalp is delicate and looking for more moisture. Therefore it can easily absorb the chemicals in a hair conditioner which react badly to the roots giving harmful side-effects. Apart from that, excessive oil production is another disadvantage of using conditioner to the scalp.

Using hair spray on wet hair

You should never apply hair spray to wet hair. The hair sprays if used on wet hair can make your hair crunchy and flaky. When it is dry it might look extremely frizzy and too unmanageable at the same time. This may lead to breakage of hair as well. People usually use hair sprays to keep the hair intact but we should wait for the hairs to dry and only then go for straightening or curling the hair.

Never go to bed with wet hair

Another bad practise that people follow without knowing how it is adversely affecting them is going to bed without letting their hair dry completely. Many times, what happens is, we shampoo our hair in the evening and before the hair is dry, we fall asleep. The reason one should avoid going to bed with wet hair is that you will not only catch a cold especially in winters but it may lead to some other illness as well. As the hair is not kept open to dry, the scalp will absorb the water and can make you ill. Apart from that, this when done regularly may lead to hair breakage as well and improve frizziness in the hair.

So make sure to protect your beautiful hair when it is delicate and vulnerable!

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